Inspired by extreme quartetting and the Ontario Quartet Events. Men can learn on their own, become proficient with multiple arrangements, and put on a quality performance with other equally prepared men, even if they have never met.
And motivate by:
- Declining membership and wanting to introduce people to our 'best kept secret' of a hobby,
- All of the booking requests not filled,
- The Event Bookers who have written off barbershop because of the difficulty booking a quartet,
- The last minute gig cancellations because one member can't make it,
- The three person quartets who would love to compete on novice or district stage if they could just fill that one part,
- All the great singers who would love to be in a performance or competition quartet, but can't commit to the demands or doesn't want to let down his other quartet members,
- Young members who could really use the income,
- Member retention that comes from good public performances.
Help increase BHS membership
DRAFT SITE FOR Barbershoppers Helping Barbershop
Promoting Barbershop Singing by:
Earn money for our service and charity projects, and for your expences