About The Chordsmen

Inspired by extreme quartetting and the Ontario Quartet Events. Men can learn on their own, become proficient with multiple arrangements, and put on a quality performance with other equally prepared men, even if they have never met.

And motivate by:

  1. Declining membership and wanting to introduce people to our 'best kept secret' of a hobby,
  2. All of the booking requests not filled,
  3. The Event Bookers who have written off barbershop because of the difficulty booking a quartet,
  4. The last minute gig cancellations because one member can't make it,
  5. The three person quartets who would love to compete on novice or district stage if they could just fill that one part,
  6. All the great singers who would love to be in a performance or competition quartet, but can't commit to the demands or doesn't want to let down his other quartet members,
  7. Young members who could really use the income,
  8. Member retention that comes from good public performances.

Help increase BHS membership



Sing in a performance quartet without a typical performance quartet committment

DRAFT  SITE FOR Barbershoppers Helping Barbershop

The Chordsmen


Promoting Barbershop Singing by:

  1. Giving Members the Challenge and Opportunity to Perform in a Good (not perfect) ensemble;
  2. Putting Good (not perfect) barbershop singing in front of a Live, non-barbershop (civilian) audience  as often as possible;
  3. Audience Engagement via Genuine Enjoyment of our Hobby;
  4. Always Communicating the overriding theme of Community Support  through Music Education, Performance Opportunities AND  Selfless Altruistic Charitable Projects;  and,
  5. Always delivering a Well Rehearsed  Personal Invitation to Participate in this Constructive Leisure Activity.


Earn money for our service and charity projects, and for your expences